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Miriam Schulz
Miriam Schulz


Name: Miriam Schulz 

Hometown (High School): Solingen, Germany (August Dicke Schule)

Year: Junior

Sport: cross country and track&field 

Major: Exercise Science 

Why did you choose to be an NAIA athlete? I didn’t choose UT Southern for the NAIA conference but because I felt that Coach Watson was the right coach for me. I love how much he cares about his athletes, his love and passion for this sport, the confidence in his athletes’s ability, and how energetic he is. I competed for Jacksonville State during my freshman and sophomore years and had three different coaches through that time. I have seen the big impact a coach has on a team and wanted to have a coach who is excited about his job and loves what he does. Although I focused mainly on the coach when deciding what school I wanted to transfer to, I appreciate that I can be competitive on the Conference level and have a chance to make Nationals now, which was not the case when running D1.  


What is the greatest lesson you have learned from being a student athlete? The past two years taught me a lot and definitely shaped me. One big lesson was that it is so important not to lose the love for the sport. I was often too ambitious, which led to overtraining, injuries, and a lot of frustration. In the end, I struggled to enjoy the sport because it always felt hard and like I was not good enough. I started to learn more about how training works and that I need to take responsibility for meeting the specific goal/ purpose of a training session. For example, instead of hitting a specific pace on an easy run, I learned that it is more about the effort and that I need to listen to my body. It requires me to run on my own sometimes, but in the end, it allows me to perform better for my team, and I have so much more fun running again since I am more intentional and smart about my training instead of only working hard. 


If you have been involved in community service projects, which project has been the most rewarding and why? Back at home in Germany, I was coaching 8-9-year-old kids in track and field. I love sharing my love for the sport and seeing how the kids have fun and get better. The love and gratitude they respond to you is so fulfilling and rewarding.   

When you were growing up, what did you want to be? I did ballet for ten years before I started focusing on running, and I always wanted to become a ballerina as a little kid. 

What is your fantasy job/ career? In my dream job, I would travel the world with a van, run at all the pretty places on the earth, and share Jesus with the people I met while traveling. 

What is your favorite:

Spot on campus? East campus pond 

Class? Exercise Physiology 

Movie? The Notebook

Food? Pasta

Holiday? Christmas 

TV show? Friends 

Sports team? UT Southern Cross Country Team

Professional Athlete? Emma Coburn 

Quote? Be the change you want to see in the world. 

What is your greatest sports moment? Winning the student's mini marathon (4.2k) at the Köln Marathon 

Your most prized possession is? My coach and teammates here at UT Southern 

A non-athletic talent that you have? Cooking 

The best sporting event that you ever attended was? European championships for track & field in Berlin 2018

 What does your bucket list include? going on a mission trip, USA road trip, skydiving, and many more crazy adventures/ travel plans 

 How would your teammates describe you? 

  • “joyful and energetic”- Alyssa Andrea
  • “kind and determined” - Emma Vizina
  • “ambitious” - Amelia Worsley
  • “super sweet and passionate” - Alyssa Lunsford 

 Do you have any pre-game/pre-event rituals? Praying 

 Your worst habit is? Procrastinating