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Koen Ploeckelman
Koen Ploeckelman


Name: Koen Ploeckelman 

Hometown (High School): Clarksville, Tennessee (Clarksville High School) 

Year: Sophomore 

Sport: Cross Country and Track

Major: Sports Management 

Why did you choose to be an NAIA athlete? The NAIA helped grant me the opportunity to chase my dreams for 4 more years while also surrounding me with coaches and teammates who help not only push me to be a better athlete but also push me to become a better person.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from being a student athlete? That you have to hate to lose or not preform well but you can’t be scared to lose or not preform well because then you are worrying more about not losing then you are about performing well and winning.

When you were growing up, what did you want to be? Professional runner 

What is your fantasy job/ career? A Lawyer

What is your favorite:

Spot on campus? The Curry Athletic Complex

Class? Speech 

Movie? Avengers Endgame

Food? Steak

Holiday? Christmas 

TV show? Suits

Sports team? The Green Bay Packers 

Professional Athlete? Eluid Kipchoge 

Quote? “Rip his Face off” Artie Manning whom was the founder of my wrestling team and also always believed in how great I could be in sports, but sadly died before my junior year.

What is your greatest sports moment? Signing my letter of intent for UTSouthern my senior year becoming the first Cross Country runner and 2nd male Track runner  ever to sign for Cross Country and Track from my high school especially after almost facing a season ending injury my senior year.

Your most prized possession is? A picture I have with my great grandpa who died last year and this picture is one of the only pictures of him I have.

A non-athletic talent that you have? I am a very good public speaker 

The best sporting event that you ever attended was? The Titans vs Packers game at Nissan Stadium in 2016

What does your bucket list include? Running the Boston Marathon

How would your teammates describe you? My teammates would describe me as a hard worker who will give his all until he can’t go any farther and also a person who always try to help the team succeed.

Do you have any pre-game/pre-event rituals? Yes I slap my leg all the way up to my arms before for every race.

Your worst habit is? Biting my finger nails