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Klaudie Karnikova
Klaudie Karnikova


Name: Klaudie Jane Karnikova 

Hometown: Prague, Czech Republic 

Year: Sophomore 

Major: Business Management (with a minor in English and Graphic Design) 

Why did you choose to be an NAIA athlete? My home country doesn't offer college sports, so I wanted to study someplace in the states. I also wanted a more homely college with a personal relationship with teachers.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from being a student athlete? I feel like the greatest lesson is to be thankful of what you have, and enjoy your sport, even if you’re not doing too good that particular day.

If you have been involved in community service projects, which project has been the most rewarding and why? I really liked our help in the local library, but I also enjoyed my participation in the international panel. I’d say they were both pretty rewarding.

When you were growing up, what did you want to be? Funnily enough, I went through phases where I wanted to either be an Accountant, or an Artist.

What is your fantasy job/career? If you asked me a year ago, I'd say working for Riot Games in the marketing department, but as of now? I'm not too sure! Probably combining event organizing with marketing.

What is your Favorite: 

Sport on campus? I’d be biased saying golf, so I’ll go with volleyball! 

Class? Any English class! (Currently loving my “Writing for Publication” class) 

Movie? Tie between ‘Top Gun Maverick’ and the original ‘Scream’ movie 

Food? Pho

Holiday? Halloween!! ��

Tv Show? The Rookie

Sports team? Oklahoma Sooners! 

Professional Athlete? Lee Slattery 

Quote? "Understand your limitations so you can overcome them." - Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus.

What is your greatest sports moment? Probably from last year's conference, where I was playing a rather good final round. Coach Clem came up to me and said, “Now, you’re doing good, if you get another birdie, I’m buying you a milkshake.” A few holes later I birdie, and when I got to an upcoming par five, he comes up to me again and goes, “Now listen, if you birdie this one, I’m buying the whole team milkshakes, but if you don’t, you have to explain why we ain’t getting milkshakes.” After I made the birdie, I turned around and just saw him laughing and waving his credit card in the air! It was so funny! 

Your most prized possession is? Probably all my different ball markers, I got them from all over the world! 

A non-athletic talent you have? Baking and cooking! 

The best sporting event that you ever attended was? D+D real Czech Masters, a golf tournament back home

What does your bucket list include? Some of the more memorable things include "becoming a published author" and "owning two dogs and a bunny" 

How would your teammates describe you? I think Caring and Motivated

Do you have any pre-game/pre-event rituals? Yes! Not only do I need to spend an obscenely long time putting, but I also blast hard rock, metal, and punk rock in my headphones. (The hype-up songs) 

Your worst habit is? Being a perfectionist, it drives me insane sometimes and stops me from completing regular tasks, because they aren’t up to my standard.