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Aaryn Grace Lester
Aaryn Grace Lester


Name: Aaryn Grace Lester

Hometown (High School): Lebanon, Tenn. (Lebanon High School)

Year: Senior

Sport: Women's Basketball

Major: Exercise Science

Why did you choose to be an NAIA athlete? I chose to be an NAIA athlete because I wanted to be more than just a number and to gain deep connections. 

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from being a student athlete? The greatest thing I have learned from being a student-athlete is time management. 

If you have been involved in community service projects, which project has been the most rewarding and why? "Into the Streets" I loved being a part of this because it was an opportunity to give back to Pulaski and connect with a lot of people from the community.

When you were growing up, what did you want to be? A Veterinarian or an artist 

What is your fantasy job/ career? Missionary

What is your favorite:

Spot on campus? The Green

Class? Dr. Cathey's activity skills or Guy's speech class

Movie? The Choice

Food? Steak

Holiday? Christmas

TV show? New Girl

Sports team? Atlanta Braves

Professional Athlete? Dansby Swanson 

Quote? The only thing that defines you is the one who created you. 

What is your greatest sports moment? Beating Lindsey Wilson in overtime after being fouled on a 3. 

Your most prized possession is? My faith.

A non-athletic talent that you have? I can juggle. 

The best sporting event that you ever attended was? Nashville Predators game 

What does your bucket list include?  Reaching unreached nations with the Gospel and seeing the floating lanterns (like in Tangled) 

How would your teammates describe you? Hard-working, positive, and a leader.

Do you have any pre-game/pre-event rituals? Listen to music and pray before I play. 

Your worst habit is? People pleasing.