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Felipe Dias
Felipe Dias


Name: Felipe Faria Viana Dias

Hometown (High School): Contagem, Brazil (Colégio São Geraldo)

Year: 2025

Sport: Tennis

Major: Business Management

Why did you choose to be an NAIA athlete? I chose to be an NAIA athlete because I was looking for a good opportunity to evolve in my sport and have a good education and degree.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from being a student athlete? Managing my time is essential and you must be dedicated in both areas if you want to be succeeded on them.

If you have been involved in community service projects, which project has been the most rewarding and why? We are involved in a project with autistic kids, we give them tennis lessons and try to make them have the most fun of it. The most rewarding thing has being seeing them and their parents getting out of there happy and have in mind that we are giving them a great time.

When you were growing up, what did you want to be? I dreamed of being a pro tennis player.

What is your fantasy job/career? Be a tennis coach and change kids' lives with it. 

What is your favorite:

Spot on campus? Green

Class? Business Ethics

Movie? Air

Food? Strogonoff

Holiday? Carnaval

TV show? Break point


Professional Athlete? Roger Federer

Quote? "The glory is being happy. The glory is not winning here or winning there. The glory is enjoying practice, enjoy every day, enjoying to work hard, trying to be a better player than before." Rafael Nadal

What is your greatest sports moment? Clinch against Thomas More University. 

Your most prized possession is? Family and friends.

A non-athletic talent that you have? Dealing with people.

The best sporting event that you ever attended was? Memphis x Golden State Warriors playoffs 2022

What does your bucket list include? I want to be successful, create a family, and be able to help the society.

How would your teammates describe you? Encouraging, betters people around you, passionate, fun to be around, wise and kind.

Do you have any pre-game/pre-event rituals? I listen to music and try to visualize how the match can be. I visualize myself making mistakes and winning important points, that way I feel ready for everything during the match.

Your worst habit is? Procrastination