Thomas E. Simpson
Thomas E. Simpson
  • Year:
  • Previous College Sports Played:
    Men's Baseball


As a RedHawk

- 1965-1967  Martin College Associates Degree

- Pre-Engineer Major

- Member of the "M" club

- Martin Methodist College baseball pitcher

- Martin Methodist College first Dixie Conference Player of the Year; Hit .500 in conference play; Hit .452 overall

After Graduation

- 1968-70  Earned Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of Tennessee in civil engineering

- 1970-72  Honoarable discharge from the United States Army

- 1974-94  Financial positions with TVA

- 1994-2006  Cost estimating consultant for Oak Ridge National Laboratory and East Tennessee Technology Park

- 2006-present  Lead construction estimator for Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge